• Region and Transformation

ERDF ex-post-evaluation 2007 - 2013, work package 13: Geography of expenditures

As German national expert, IfS participated in the work package 13 “Geography of expenditures” of Cohesion Policy ex-post-evaluation 2007 – 2013.

The study on “Geography of expenditure” was one of the Work Packages of the ex-post-evaluation of Cohesion Policy programmes 2007 - 2013, which focused on ERDF and Cohesion Fund. Its purpose was to collect data on the 2000 - 2013 cumulative allocations and expenditures at NUTS-III- level of EU regions and by investment priority.

The main contractors, wiiw and Ismeri Europe conducted data analysis of existing databases and identified data gaps and problems of availability. As a next step, missing data was collected and/ or estimated by a network of national experts, in which IfS was responsible for Germany.

The project gives some first insights into the distribution of funds and trends over programming periods. The data collected and estimated in the study is stored in easy - to - use databases to make the information available for further analysis by the commission, the research community and the general public.


    European Commission, DG Regional and Urban Policy

    Cooperation Partner

    wiiw, Ismeri Europa


    02/2015 – 09/2015

    Project Manager

    Publications / Downloads